Selecting Text from a Report


David Frick

I have a report that I view in preview mode and I need to select some of the
text in the report, copy it and paste it into another application.

What is the best way to do this?

It does not appear possible to select text from the screen in report preview
mode as I can from say a Word document. what is the alternative, print to a
text file and then open it in notepad to select the text?

Duane Hookom

Why can't you use the report's record source query? There is no way to copy
any text from a report in preview mode. I suppose you could save the report
as RTF and then copy and paste from the document.

Are you sure there isn't an easier method of extracting your data that
doesn't involve creating a report?

David Frick

Thanks Duane

I have multiple records that are non-contiguous that I want to select. I
can't seem to make this work in a form.

Perhaps as you suggested, the only way is to save to an RFT file.

Unless, it is possible to "publish" or print or save directly from Access to
an HTML file and then select from that. Off the top of your head, do you
know if this is possible?


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