selecting the 2nd column of a combo box in a report?


P Nahser

I have a combo box that uses data from a table with the fields (setupid,
physician setup, md_PIN). the bound column = 1. The physicians sign on
using their name (signing_md) and PIN (signing_md_pin). thanks to advice
from this website I have...

If signing_md_pin.value = dlookup("md_pin". "[setup table]","[setupid] ="
[signing_md] then ... in the event procedure.

When I try to get the physician name on the report (signing_md) it returns
the physician number (setupid) instead of the name. How do I get the 2nd
column of the combo box to the report?
Thank you.

Allen Browne

Create a query that uses both tables (your main one, and the table that has
the physician's names.) You can now add the names field(s) to the query.

Set the RecordSource property of your report to this query. Since the names
are in the query, you can use them in the report.

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