Selecting the first or last character in a hyperlink...



Regarding this, one of the more annoying bugs in Word 2000, I wonder if
anyone has come up with a workaround for the way that Word likes to select
the entire hyperlink anytime you select either the first or last letter in
the hyperlink.

Normally, if I don't want to select the entire hyperlink (as when I want to
change the wording of the hyperlink, without actually deleting it), I'll
select all but the last letter or two, and then delete them later.

Just now I was trying to select a special character that I had inserted at
the beginning of a hyperlink. I'm finding no way to select it. Hilarious.

Thanks in advance,


Sorry - details -- Windows 2000 -- Microsoft Word 2000, service pack three



It's a bit laborious but you can edit it by:

right click the hyperlink
Choose Hyperlink/Edit Hyperlink...
Change either or both the text to display and the url

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