Selecting the item in combobox in excel file through C# application



I'm using excel 2000.
I'm working on .NET1.1 using VS.NET2003
I'm using Microsoft Excel 9.0 Object Library to access excel from c#
I have one excel sheet with a combobox(only one combobox with five
I need to select the item through c# application.
Could you please tell me the exact syntax to select an item in excel
sheet through c# application.
I also don't know the name of combobox in excel sheet(is there any
property window to see combo box name in excel).
I tried excel.oleobjects, but don't know exact syntax
Kindly help me out


Tom Ogilvy

If you don't get an answer, You might ask over in the Office Developer groups
- this group is more oriented toward VBA in Excel itself.

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