XP pro, Office 2003 pro
I am trying to automate a mailing from multiple Excel workbooks. Even though
I have only 1 worksheet in each book, my routine still pauses waiting for me
to select the worksheet before completing the merge,
How do i tell Word to continue, using the only worksheet there, or what
format would I use in VBA to add the sheet name to the file name:
=> is where routine pauses with box to select Table from File
Sub Merge_Letters()
Dim mw As Word.Application
Dim curr_doc As Word.Document
Dim fs, fd, ff As Object
Dim ex_Date As Date
Const wd_file = "C:\WorkingFiles\BusinessLeasing\Client Manager Pre Approval
Const xl_file = "C:\WorkingFiles\BusinessLeasing\Execs\"
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set fd = fs.GetFolder(xl_file)
Set ff = fd.Files
Set mw = CreateObject("word.application")
mw.Visible = True
'Start by getting new Expiration date:
ex_Date = InputBox("Enter offer expiration date (e.g. 12/31/07):")
If Not IsDate(ex_Date) Then
MsgBox ex_Date & " is not a date. Please try again!", vbOKCancel
If vbCancel Then Exit Sub
GoTo GetDate
End If
With mw
.Documents.Open FileName:=wd_file
For Each f In ff
If Right(f.Name, 4) = ".xls" Then
wd_name = Left(f.Name, Len(f.Name) - 4) & ".doc"
With ActiveDocument.MailMerge
=> .OpenDataSource Name:=xl_file & f.Name, ReadOnly:=True
=> .Execute
End With 'Activedocument
.ActiveDocument.SaveAs xl_file & wd_name
End If
Next f
End With 'mw
End Sub
I am trying to automate a mailing from multiple Excel workbooks. Even though
I have only 1 worksheet in each book, my routine still pauses waiting for me
to select the worksheet before completing the merge,
How do i tell Word to continue, using the only worksheet there, or what
format would I use in VBA to add the sheet name to the file name:
=> is where routine pauses with box to select Table from File
Sub Merge_Letters()
Dim mw As Word.Application
Dim curr_doc As Word.Document
Dim fs, fd, ff As Object
Dim ex_Date As Date
Const wd_file = "C:\WorkingFiles\BusinessLeasing\Client Manager Pre Approval
Const xl_file = "C:\WorkingFiles\BusinessLeasing\Execs\"
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set fd = fs.GetFolder(xl_file)
Set ff = fd.Files
Set mw = CreateObject("word.application")
mw.Visible = True
'Start by getting new Expiration date:
ex_Date = InputBox("Enter offer expiration date (e.g. 12/31/07):")
If Not IsDate(ex_Date) Then
MsgBox ex_Date & " is not a date. Please try again!", vbOKCancel
If vbCancel Then Exit Sub
GoTo GetDate
End If
With mw
.Documents.Open FileName:=wd_file
For Each f In ff
If Right(f.Name, 4) = ".xls" Then
wd_name = Left(f.Name, Len(f.Name) - 4) & ".doc"
With ActiveDocument.MailMerge
=> .OpenDataSource Name:=xl_file & f.Name, ReadOnly:=True
=> .Execute
End With 'Activedocument
.ActiveDocument.SaveAs xl_file & wd_name
End If
Next f
End With 'mw
End Sub