Selecting whole page - including headers & footers


Jean S

Is there a way to select a whole page(s), including headers and footers and
pasting into a table in another word document? Currently, we pdf the first
set of paperwork, and insert that way, but the text is never as clear.


No. The headers and footers are in a different layer, so you can't select
them at the same time as the body.

Embedding PDFs is a problem: you should be able to solve the clarity issues,
but your target document will become huge. An alternative is to output all
the documents separately to PDF, then combine them in Acrobat.


Jean S said:
Is there a way to select a whole page(s), including headers and footers and
pasting into a table in another word document? Currently, we pdf the first
set of paperwork, and insert that way, but the text is never as clear.

Jean - I searched and searched for months and finally found this: (the
clumsy name is mine). It's great!
CopyDocAndHeadsFtAndPgSetup() 'This copies pg setup and headers/footers
'if you exclude the last para mark, you get nothing but the content of the
main story.
'From MS discussion group on Macros
End Sub

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