Selection by month


Brisbane Rob


I have a workbook with six sheets numbered 1 thru 6, each representin
one of 6 depots.

Each sheet has in column A the dates from 1/1 to 12/31 (excludin
weekends). Columns B & C have units manufactured and value of unit
manufactured, whilst columns D & E have units sold and value of unit
sold. Columns B thru E are read in by lookups from the depots dail
production and sales returns.

I need to extract an array which will allow me to chart whatever th
users select from a menu offering

Depot - from one of six option buttons
Sales Units - by check box
Sales Value - by check box
Production Units - by check box
Production Value - by check box
Month (from a drop-down menu)

I can work out how to do it all except bring through the month. i.e
the user selects February or November.

Any ideas?


Roger Govier

Hi Rob

I think I would be inclined to copy all 6 sets of 260 rows to a fresh
sheet, adding an additional column and filling that with the Depot name
as I copied across each block.
Then create a Pivot Table on the complete set of data, and a pivot
Chart. You can select any criteria you want to create your chart.
For more help on Pivot Tables take a look at Debra Dalgleish's site, and
scroll down to the section on Pivot Tables


Roger Govier

"Brisbane Rob"
news:[email protected]...

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