Selection - highlighting tool


Barry Karas


I used to have a selection (highlighting) tool that allowed me to select a
picture, and then increase or decrease its size

Now I can copy and move the graphic in almost any text editing application
but I can only resize the graphic in MS Word.

There used to be a program/application that enabled me to select a graphic
and copy, move and/or resize it. What is the program and where can I find

Thank you.

Barry Karas

PS I have Windows XP Pro with SP2


You're asking people who don't know you what program you used to have on
your computer!?

Keith Howell

Insert your picture
Right click it
Select Format Picture
Select Layout tab
Select (for example) "In front of text"

Now you can move / stretch / copy etc

Take a look at and find your way to "Adding pictures
to shapes" in the Drawing with Word section - hopefully it will help

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