Selective Graphing



I have a list of data in a column of cells that all have a formula, which
will fill depending on what I place in the previous columns. If there is a
number in the column before it, a number will be placed in the list. I want
to graph this list of data however when there is no number in the cell yet,
it still graphs it as a zero on my grpahs because there is still an if
statement in the cell. How do i get my graph to ignore the cells that donts
have numbers in it even though they have a formula written in it.

Bernard Liengme

It would have been nice to see you formula but her goes
I you have something like =IF(ISNUMBER(A2),A2,"") then you get either a
number or a blank and the blanks get treated as 0 in a chart
However, if you use =IF(ISNUMBER(A2),A2,NA()) then you get either a number
or #N/A in the cell. The chart engine ignores this value.
Hope I understood the question
best wishes

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