Self Assignment



When a resource provides an estimate during self-assignment, their estimate
is carried into the work allocation in the project plan when the PM accepts
the new task assignment request. However, the remaining work allocated to the
original resources is reduced by MORE than the amount assigned to the new

Example: Resource A is assigned to a task whose work estimate is 8 hours,
fixed work, Resource A at 100%; no actual work has been logged to the task.
Resource B (100% allocation) assigns itself to the task and estimates 1.5
hours; Resource B does not log any time to the task, but does send the update
to the PM. The PM accepts Resource B’s request to be assigned to the project
task and Project reallocates the time as follows:

Res Units Work
Res A 100% 4.67h
Res B 100% 1.5h

As you can see, the total work is now a little over 6 hours instead of the 8

Any thoughts as to why this is happening? Is this a bug or are we doing
something incorrect?

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