Georgia Daoussis
I work for the TELUS Corporation. All employees have a yearly Performance
Planning and Review appraisal system where I team with my Manager to identify
my performance objectives. Some of my objectives are:
1. to alot 40 minutes per month for training on Microsoft 2003 products.
My goal is to share noteworth tips and tricks with the rest of my clerical
team. (using your training modules posted on-line)
2. identify process improvement opportunities that will make our department
more efficicent. I've submitted 289 ideas /suggestions of improvement for
our own software. I am going to be very active in suggesting features that
will help our clerical team with Micorsoft products. For that reason, I need
a copy (e-mail) of what I am sending you and the outcome of my suggestion as
proof for my Manager.
Planning and Review appraisal system where I team with my Manager to identify
my performance objectives. Some of my objectives are:
1. to alot 40 minutes per month for training on Microsoft 2003 products.
My goal is to share noteworth tips and tricks with the rest of my clerical
team. (using your training modules posted on-line)
2. identify process improvement opportunities that will make our department
more efficicent. I've submitted 289 ideas /suggestions of improvement for
our own software. I am going to be very active in suggesting features that
will help our clerical team with Micorsoft products. For that reason, I need
a copy (e-mail) of what I am sending you and the outcome of my suggestion as
proof for my Manager.