Actually, Russ, you are incorrect regarding OE. Within IE and Firefox both,
there is an option to "Send link via email". Provided you have OE set as
default, both browsers open an OE window without starting the full OE
program. Once you click 'Send', the email is sent immediately, but OE does
not stay running resident in memory. I used to do this all the time to avoid
running the full OE program, so it wouldn't automatically gather the Hotmail
Junk Mail folder at the same time. I would only bring up the full OE program
when I wanted to.
Luey, MS has confirmed that this is a problem with OL, it has to do with if
you selected Word as your default email editor. However, I tried all fixes I
could find according to MS, but to no avail. Even deselecting Word as my
email editor...but I shouldn't have to do that each time.
I agree, Luey, I'd like to be able to send emails without starting the full
OL program. After all, I shouldn't have to keep modifiying settings each time
I wish to take one action or another.
Russ Valentine said:
I have no need to run your test.
When you launch IE you launch OE.
I can understand why it seemed to you that you were sending mail without
running OE, but you weren't. I suspect the only question you were intending
to ask was whether you could send mail from Outlook without running Outlook.
That answer of course is no, just as it is for OE. But you actually asked
why you couldn't send mail from Outlook without pushing its Send/Receive
button. That was the question I was answering. Again, if you post your
questions clearly you will get accurate answers.
Russ Valentine
Luey said:
Do a test:
Set OE as your default email program
Do not open/load OE
Use your IE window, on the toolbar click on the envelop > New Message...
Good? Send to yourself, it'll be sent without fully loading OE...
Another way to do this test, keep OE was your default program:
Any file, right click on it go to Send to > Mail Recipient
Send it, it'll be sent without fully loading OE...
Sorry, maybe you do not deserve a MVP beside your name at all....
"Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]" escreveu:
OE does not send mail when it is not running.
No program functions when it is not running.
Russ Valentine
OE does, why wouldn't OL do the same?
"Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]" escreveu:
Leaving out that little detail that you were trying to send mail
running Outlook is just wasting everyone's time, yours and mine.
How could anyone have guessed that?
We aren't mind readers.
Russ Valentine
Sorry if you are not able to understand my english... but what i
said in the question... Thanks to SgtRich... and Russ, be more
don't have the obligation to know everything, ok? Cuz if we did, we
be here asking... anyways, thanks too.
"Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]" escreveu:
I knew you were leaving something out.
Try posting your questions clearly and in their entirety. No one
for wild goose chases.
Russ Valentine
Well, I have that checked... the problem is when i don't have my
loaded... i want to send e-mails without loadind my OL
"Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]" escreveu:
If so, then simply checking "Send immediately while connected"
Options... > Mail Setup) will do the trick. Since that is
default, I suspect there is more information you've left out.
Russ Valentine
Ok Russ... OL 2003, and account type, i dunno what you mean
i´t's a normal POP3 account that i got from my internet
"Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]" escreveu:
Answer would depend on your Outlook version and mail account
of which you mentioned.
Russ Valentine
I just 'upgraded' from OE to OL... i coundn't find a way to
email without having to push 'Send/Recive' or Send an email
outlook opened. Just like OE does, when i use the 'new
in WinXP 'Send to > Mail recipient'...