Send error


Ken from Auburn

When I try to send an email I get this message:
Task ' - Sending' reported error (0x8004210B) : 'The
operation timed out waiting for a response from the sending (SMTP) server.
If you continue to receive this message, contact your server administrator
or Internet service provider (ISP).'

When my Norton 2006 is running, I get the message from it. When I shut
Norton off, I get the message from Oultook.
I use Outlook 2003 w/bus contact mngr on IBM Thinkpad T43 w/Windows XP. Dial
up connection on dedicated phone line. My provider says it's not them. I have
all of the latest downloads from MS. It seems to happen more frequently when
I am sending an attachment, but still happens when sending without.

Microsoft has a fix for a similar problem in Outlook 2002, but not Outlook
2003. The fix is at


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