send feature fantastic, one concern



The send feature (just tried it to myself out of Outlook and into test what someone with no access to anything other than the
internet would see) is FANTASTIC. I mean if people knew about this and got
out of the traditional cut/paste or save to .pdf and then send mentality that
probably is the way they'd send something now, this would be SUCH the time
saver and efficiency tool for them.

That said, I would highly recommend there be some effort put into making the
send tool more of a WYSIWYG sort of logic. In other words, right now, I had
three note boxes on one of my sub pages, and the way it came out was the
first (title) box (which, as you know on subpage is the first box you type),
then the largest box I had (which happened to appear third on the ON page,
and even in print it knows what it's supposed to look like),
then the second box (which was a bolded introduction to the third, large
piece...just happened to be two separate boxes because the large box was
wider than the intro, which I wanted more compact). So the other side (in
this case me, but obviously someone getting this would know how to look at
these in order) received the title of the subpage, then the main text, then
the intro to the main text.

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