Send/receive at Work and Home


Mark K

Having problems setting up Send/receive at Work and Home.

Windows XP SP3 & Outlook 2007.

Receive is OK. But send from home is a problem as I connect to my
private ISP at home and need to use that account to send.

What I have tried so far:
1. Set up different accounts one for home and one for work. Works fine
except when I click on reply from one sent from the account that I'm
not on at the time - then the email just sits in the Outbox. Problem
is if I don't notice it or remember (in my busy life) and it sits
there unsent. I know I can change the account before I send, but its
easy to miss this step. So not an ideal solution.

2. Tried to set up a Registry entry that I could change when at work
and at home. ie have a Work.reg and home.reg file that I click on to
change Outlook in registry for either/or. Could not get it to work.
Seems fiddly anyway as you have to restart things to get it to work.
(But maybe an approach to consider).

3. I set up 2 Profiles. One for work and one for home. It is set to
ask me which one to use. Worked fine for a long time. However I have
now bought a PDA (windows 6.1) and it won't connect to both profiles -
it gives the Activesync 8503001f error. Searching through the various
sites MS, etc, I can't find a solution to this. The word seems to be
that you cannot connect to 2 profiles full stop.

A macro or something to click on at Work then at Home seems the only
solution. But this is beyond my expertise at this point.

So, any ideas?

Any help would be very much appreciated.


Roady [MVP]

The solution would depend on the security settings in place by your ISP and
work location.
In general you'll need to enable authentication for your SMTP server when
you are sending through an SMTP server which is not on your local network.


Thanks Robert

Some time ago I tried enabling authentication for my work SMTP server
as described, but it did not work.

However, I know my work has upgraded their systems recently, so I'll
try it again as it is the simplest approach for sure.

Many thanks

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