Send tasks to outlook?



Hi there - I'm a new user - just downloaded the trial and love the software
so far. I began my search looking for something integrated with Outlook,
like the very good Project Center in Entourage in the mac version of Office
2004 and came to this product.

My question: Is there some way to have taks I create from notes taken to
Outlook? Or at minimum, can I set a reminder on the tasks? Otherwise, I'm
stuck managing two sets of to dos...


Irina Yatsenko (MS)

Set IP in the paragraph with the task in OneNote then goto <Tools | Create
Outlook Item | Create Outlook Task> This will port the paragraph from OneNote
into Outlook but will not keep any link between the two. You still need to
edit the task in Outlook to set due time. etc and save.

The ported tasks will show grayed out in ON so they could be excluded from
the noteflags summary.

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