"Send this page to a friend"



That is javascript. Go to www.esetter.com/puppies.htm
The action you are looking for is at the bottom of the
page. View to be sure that is what you want, if it is, Go
to the tool bar at the top of the page, look at view,
then source, and scroll down to find the script that
pertains to that action. It looks like this:

<script language="JavaScript1.2">
// (C) 2000 www.CodeLifter.com
// http://www.codelifter.com
// Free for all users, but leave in this header

var good;
function checkEmailAddress(field) {
// the following expression must be all on one line...
var goodEmail = field.value.match(/\b(^(\S+@).+((\.com)|
if (goodEmail){
good = true
} else {
alert('Please enter a valid e-mail address.')
good = false

u = window.location;
m = "I thought this might interest you...";
function mailThisUrl(){
good = false
if (good){
// the following expression must be all on one
= "mailto:"+document.eMailer.address.value+"?
subject="+m+"&body="+document.title+" "+u;
<!-- End E-Mail-This-Page Script //-->

It came from a site called www.codelifter.com and can be
used for free if source is left in the script.

Good Luck

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