If I go File->Open-><right click on file name>, the "Send
To" option is disabled for both Excel and Word
If I right click on a file in Windows Explorer, it's
enabled and works fine.
If I go File->Send To in Excel and Word, that seems to be
Unforunately, I really need the File->Open-><right click
on file name>->Send To option to be enabled. Any ideas
how to get this option enabled?
Thanks for the help.
To" option is disabled for both Excel and Word
If I right click on a file in Windows Explorer, it's
enabled and works fine.
If I go File->Send To in Excel and Word, that seems to be
Unforunately, I really need the File->Open-><right click
on file name>->Send To option to be enabled. Any ideas
how to get this option enabled?
Thanks for the help.