Send to IE - error


Jeff W

I have installed the .NET Framework and Send to OneNote but get the following

Sorry. Send to OneNote PowerToy could not create the page in OneNote for
some reason.
Perhaps the destination section is read only but there could be other

What does this mean?

When i check the folder OneNote uses it indicates some of the files and
folders are "read only" and I cannot change them.

Any suggestions are welsome.


Erik Sojka \(MVP\)

How is OneNote indicating that some of the files and folders are "read
only"? Normally, if OneNote is idle for a few minutes, it marks the
currently-active page as "Read-Only" but that gets removed as soon as you
use OneNote again.

If you're seeing something else, check the Read-Only bit for the section
files and folders in question (they're found under C:\documents and
settings\<yourname>\My Documents\My Notebook).

Jeff W

Hi Erik,

OneNote doesn't load and displays a grey pop-up error box with the message.
When OK is clicked the error box closes and OneNote still isn't open.

As far as file/foled permissions... when I check (C:\documents and
settings\<yourname>\My Documents\My Notebook) by doing a rt click and properties I can see the folder is partially read only (greyed check box checked for read only) and i can change the folder/file permissions but they revet back right away.

I have even opened a section and typed in it to make it "active" No luck

Jeff W

Hi Stephen,

I was under the impression that when you use OneNote send ot IE it would
create a new page with the webpage info.

What excatly should happen when you use Send to OneNote?
Does OneNote need to be open?
Can I creat a new desitnation folder for the OneNote documents?

Erik Sojka (MVP)

Do you have these errors any other time when using OneNote or only when
you try to use the PowerToy?

Does a "Detect and Repair? help?

Jeff W

Hi Erik,

Problem only happens when using PowerToy.

I'm thinking I'll uninstall .Net framework & PowerToy and reinstall and see
if it makes a difference.

Chris H.

Make sure you're using .NET 1.1, along with the update for it, and not the
2.0 version. It is still beta and has issues.
Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations -
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -

Jeff W


Did update to .NET and reinstalled PowerToy... no luck :eek:(

I'll try on a different machine.

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