Send To One Note Function - New Page or Continue on Old Page




When I 'send to onenote' from IE, I can either send that webpage to either:

1) A new page in One Note
2) Added on to the bottom of the current page on One Note.

(Depending on which option you have selected in the settings).

My question is this:

Sometimes I need to send to a new page and sometimes to the current page.

Is there a way to do this? It could be one of the following:

1) An additional plug-in that makes two Send to One Note functions
2) Using hotkeys such as Windows Key + S = enabling of Screen clipping
3) Any other way that you can think of.

Your help would be greatly appreciated on this.

Many thanks


Steve Silverwood

There is no provision for this -- at least none that I've yet found --
in OneNote. You'd have to manually change the setting each time you
wish to change the method of operation in OneNote. Since that's
obviously a major PITA, it's probably best to use the separate-page
method, then simply cut and paste from various pages onto one.


Steve Silverwood, KB6OJS
Email: (e-mail address removed)

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