Send to OneNote 2007 from IE7



When I use the Send to OneNote 2007 addon in IE7, the page is sent but it
loses the formatting, putting a real mess in the OneNote page. Am I doing
something wrong?



Hi Ben,

Every one I've tried so far--including the one on which I read your
reply--but I haven't tried more than a few.

Thanks for the reply,




If I send to OneNote, in ON I get a thin column down the
left that has:

the top of the presidential seal
part of the top of the White House
a different part of the top of the White House
a little graphic with the word "President"
a little graphic with "* News *
a little graphic with "Vice President"
a little graphic with "* History and Tours"
a little graphic with "* First Lady *"
a little graphic with "Mrs. Cheney"
a little graphic with the middle of the presidential seal
a little graphic with some more of the White House
a little graphic with "your government"
a little graphic with "kids"
a little graphic with "espanol"

etc., until eventually there is
a little graphic with "email updates"

Following the column of little graphics is a column of text:

.. Budget Management
.. Education
.. Energy
.. Health Care
.. Homeland Security
.. Hurricane Recovery
.. Immigration
.. Jobs & Economy
.. Medicare
.. National Security
.. Pandemic Flu
.. Patriot Act
.. Renewal in Iraq
.. Social Security
.. More Issues »
.. Current News
.. Press Briefings
.. Proclamations
.. Executive Orders
.. Radio
graphic with "RSS"
RSS Feeds
Major Speeches
.. State of the Union
.. War on Terror
.. Economy
.. Gulf Coast Rebuilding
.. Ask the White House
.. White House Interactive
Your Government
.. President's Cabinet
.. USA Freedom Corps
.. Faith-Based & Community
.. OMB
.. NSC
.. More Offices »

etc...... In the above, the bullets are actually little graphics.

Several inches to the right of where it says "Issues" in the above column,
there is the main part of the web page--the two columns beginning with "The
President's remarks... This part looks pretty much like the actual web page,
except that the font in the middle column from the web page is larger than
the text from the far right column, so the middle column is quite a bit
longer than the right column.

Thanks for your interest,




Here's another bit of information. I had saved a web page to EverNote, which
preserved the formatting. I copied the EverNote note to the clipboard and
pasted it into ON. ON made the same mess of the formatting that I get when I
use Send to ON from IE.



And here's another possible clue: if in IE I choose file>print>send to
onenote, the web page retains its formatting when it gets to ON.

Rainald Taesler

Ben M. Schorr - MVP shared these words of wisdom:
When you say "loses the formatting" what do you mean? How much
of it is lost? Colors? Fonts? Background? Alignment? I know
different pages come across differently -- forums for example
seem to be a bit more of a problem than regular "brochure" pages.

AFAICS there are serious problems with handling Pasting of content
from a HTML web-page into ON.

1.) Actually what the icon does is not "send to" ON (as the icon's
SpeedTip says and which in the ON context would mean "printing to ON
with the ON printer-driver), it just *copies* things into ON.

The name would have to be changed to avoid misunderstandings.

2.) In handling pasted input obviously ON has rather limited powers.
Depending on a web-page's internal construction what appears in ON
often is seriously broken.

With many pages the imported stuff looks totally different from the
sources. With some pages a major part of the graphics in the sources
is lost.
Some appear correct when pasted into Word, but appear totally
different in ON. With others the result is rather similar.

To see what I mean you might check pasting into Word 2003, pasting
into ON: (taken at random):
a) eBay
aa) any listing,
bb) any auction age.
Results similar in Word and ON.

b) Personal homepage at the university:
Strange enough in Word, chaotic in ON

c) Homepage of Synapse (had it just open)
Almost perfect in Word, most of the content lost in ON, ridiculous

d) MS Office Home
Someway usable in Word, far worse in ON.

e) This discussion group
Really bad in Word, even worse in ON.

3.) The results are the same whether or not one uses the icon or marks
things on the webpage and pastes them manually.

4.) When done, use Acrobat's Webcapture on some of the above.
This might show you what a *professional* tool for capturing from the
web can do.


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