Send to Onenote printer and Vista 64


James Briant

I *bought* OneNote 2007 for this very purpose, and now I found out that this
feature does not work because I'm running Vista 64? How does Microsoft expect
anyone else to bother writing 64bit drivers when they can't be arsed to write
ones themselves?!?!?!

HELLO!!!! I do not have a tablet PC. The printer driver is OneNote's primary
feature for me.

When will the 64bit driver be available Microsoft?

Daniel Escapa [MS]

James - Thank you for this feedback and we hear you. In fact I was running
x64 until I found that I couldn't use the print driver so I reinstalled and
used x86 instead since it worked. We have had lots of people external &
internal comment on ths and we are looking into solutions. I have no
timetable but I can confirm we are looking into this.

I would recommend installing the 32-bit version of Vista if you are able to.

James Briant

Hi Daniel,

Thank you for your courteous reply. I cannot run x86 as some of the software
I develop uses huge data sets (3D geometry and textures). I'm seriously
considering running 32bit Vista in a Virtual PC VM. :-(

I'm also feeling somewhat embarrased, because after using this feature at
home, I got a copy for work, only to find out the feature I'd raved about
didn't work.


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