SenderID Rules Fail to Run in Outlook 2003




We have SenderID filtering on Exchange Server to stamp and continue.
I have installed the SenderID.CFG Form to view SenderID return codes on
emails in the Inbox.

(Using Outlook 2003) With all updates / service packs.

I have created a rule that states if it is a return code of "5", move it to
a SenderID Fails Folder.

"Apply this rule after the message arrives,
with selected properties of documents or forms
move it to the SenderIDFails folder."

(Cleint only rule is moved to the last rule to run. (Server rules are on

When using finshed creating the rule I have a option to Run now.
Which I do and it works and actualy moves the emails.

But afterwards, they dont work.
And it even doesn't work if I try to run it manually.

Any insight or solutions for this?

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