Caryn said:
I need to send an email to someone who has given permissions to others to
read their email. This email is for the recipient's eyes only. Is their a
way to make it impossible for only the actual recipient to read the email?
Thank you,
Does the recipient have an e-mail certificate? They're free from
Thawte. If they do, they will have to send you a digitally signed
e-mail so you get their public key for their e-mail cert. You save them
in your contacts list. When you want to send an encrypted e-mail to
them, you use their contact (with the saved cert) to encrypt your
message using their public key. When they receive your encrypted
e-mail, they decrypt it using their private key which only they have.
If by "sharing" you mean they share their mailbox then the above
encryption will work. However, if by sharing you mean the recipient
lets anyone and everyone use their Windows account which also means they
get to use their mail profile for Outlook then all those users look just
like the recipient. Sharing your Windows account means you surrender
the security that it offers. You are allowing everyone to do exactly
what you can do on your computer. If that is the case, you'll have to
put your message inside a .zip file that has a password and then attach
that .zip file to your e-mail. But now how are you going to get the
password to the recipient? You can't send it by e-mail since all those
other users can see your e-mail. You could call by phone but how do you
know someone else there hasn't picked up an extension to listen in on
the conversation.
If the recipient has relinquished their privacy by letting anyone else
read their e-mails, simply write to the recipient and ask just how they
expect to receive private e-mails for their eyes only.