You do make a good point. However, in my view, much depends on the
relationship between the sender and receiver. For example, if there
exists a business relationship as opposed to a friendship, it would
not be acceptable to require them to make adjustments on their end if
an action on the sender's end would provide a good solution. However,
if there is a regular exchange of files and the best solution requires
action on the remote end, I think it is best for the actors to discuss
alternatives and work out between them what the best means of exchange
would be. I had all of that in mind when I framed my reply using the
word "suggest". And I called it Plan "B" for a reason.
Taken to its logical extreme, people would only exchange pure
ASCII/ANSI text files since that is the only format virtually all text
editors and word processors that operate under Windows can open.
Well, OK perhaps that is what everyone should do.

JoAnn Paules said:
I wouldn't ask (or require) a recipient to download anything so that
they can view my files. I regularly deal with people who aren't on a
computer near as much as I am. Things like downloading anything other
than email seems to get them in a tizzy. (I wish I was kidding.)
I downloaded the compatibility pack on my own computers before
getting Office 2007 and I've downloaded it at work where I use Office
2003. I run across documents from all many different sources so I
prefer to be able to deal with as many file formats as possible...but
that's just me.
JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]
How to ask a question
Plan "B" is to suggest to the receiver of the e-mails document that
they get and install the filter pack. If they act on the suggestion,
they will be able to open the Word 2007 document in Word 2003.
MSMVP 1998-2007
How can I send a cop of a Word 2007 doc to a 2003 user? I have
been saving a
copy of each document as a downgraded version of itself and just
that copy. I am wanting to skip this extra step. It a big hassle
and leaves
me with a ton of extra documents. I tried right clicking on the
doc to send
by email, but there is no option to send downgraded.