Sending An Excel File To Web Based Lotus 7 (Recent Migration)

  • Thread starter SEAN DI''''ANNO
  • Start date


I am trying to help my colleague with a Excel file which has a button to
send a file directly to Lotus 5. The code she had in place is attached below
and used to work fine. The trouble is our company has now migrated to Lotus 7
which is web based and to access it we need to log on to; where we then
enter a user name and password. Even when my colleague is logged onto Lotus,
it still returns an error and when debugging, The error is concerned with
Code:Set Session = CreateObject("Notes.NotesSession")which is set to
Nothing. How / or is it possible to adapt this code to use a web-based Lotus
7 mail system. Any help would be really appreciated.

I have already tried adding the file domobj.tlb to her C: and then
referencing it in Excel (all of the old files were deleted as part of the
migrartion) but it does not work.

Code:'Public Sub SendNotesMail(Subject as string, attachment as string,
'recipient as string, bodytext as string,saveit as Boolean)
'This public sub will send a mail and attachment if neccessary to the
'recipient including the body text.
'Requires that notes client is installed on the system.
Public Sub SendNotesMail(Subject As String, Attachment As String, Recipient
As String, BodyText As String)
Dim Maildb As Object 'The mail database
Dim UserName As String 'The current users notes name
Dim MailDbName As String 'The current users notes mail database name
Dim MailDoc As Object 'The mail document itself
Dim AttachME As Object 'The attachment richtextfile object
Dim Session As Object 'The notes session
Dim EmbedObj As Object 'The embedded object (Attachment)
Dim Recip(10) As Variant 'The Recipient list
Dim SaveIt As Boolean 'Save to sent mail
Dim WasOpen As Integer 'Checking to see if the Mail DB was already
'open to determine if session should be
'closed (0) or left alone (1)

SaveIt = True
Set Session = CreateObject("Notes.NotesSession")
UserName = Session.UserName
MailDbName = Left$(UserName, 1) & Right$(UserName, (Len(UserName) -
InStr(1, UserName, " "))) & ".nsf"
Set Maildb = Session.GETDATABASE("", MailDbName)
If Maildb.IsOpen = True Then
WasOpen = 1 'Already open for mail
WasOpen = 0
Maildb.OPENMAIL 'This will prompt you for password
End If
MailDoc.Form = "Memo"
MailDoc.sendto = Recipient 'Or use Racip(10) for multiple
MailDoc.Subject = Subject
MailDoc.body = BodyText
If Attachment <> "" Then
Set AttachME = MailDoc.CREATERICHTEXTITEM("Attachment")
Set EmbedObj = AttachME.EMBEDOBJECT(1454, "", Attachment,
End If
MailDoc.PostedDate = Now() 'Gets the mail to appear in the sent items
MailDoc.SEND 0, Recipient
'Clean Up'
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Set Maildb = Nothing
Set MailDoc = Nothing
Set AttachME = Nothing
Set EmbedObj = Nothing
If WasOpen = 1 Then
Set Session = Nothing
ElseIf WasOpen = 0 Then
Set Session = Nothing
End If
MsgBox "The Line Down Email was sent", vbOKOnly
End Sub

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