Sending custom forms as plain text



I'd like to send a custom form as plain text. Is that possible? I'm not
getting the data in the fields I have created on the receiving side.


Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

What's the actual problem here? Is it that the recipient doesn't have Outlook and so you must send the data as plain text? Or is it that you don't know why the recipient, who does have Outlook, can't see your fields? See

In any case, you cannot send the **form** as plain text, but you can send the information. Put code in the Item_Send event handler to create a new message, set its BodyFormat property, then build its Body from the fields in your custom form. Address and send it and then cancel the original send by setting Item_Send = False.

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

and Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers

Hollis Paul [MVP - Outlook]

'd like to send a custom form as plain text. Is that possible? I'm not
getting the data in the fields I have created on the receiving side.
If you have a custom form, with which you wish to transmit data in custom
user properties, then you need to send the message using the TNEF
wrapper. That is controlled by opening the recipient's contact record,
selecting the email address that is used, right-clicking it, and choosing
properties. On versions before 2003, there is a check-box on the bottom
of the properties panel that is labeled "Always send to this recipient
using rtf". Put a check in that box. In OL2003, that has been moved to
the mail format dropdown list box. Choose the one labeled rtf format.

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