sending data to a named range in excel



Hello, need help please:

Trying to output information from a query to a named range in excel,
the problem is that the process results in every field in the query
being tranferred to each consecutive column in the range. The problem
for me is that I have a couple of columns within the range that I need
to remain as is. I tried naming the range in excel to be (a1:c5, g1:g5)
as an example however access still puts out the data to the d column
rather then skipping it and putting it into g. I tried creating an
empty field within the query but it blanks out what I have in that
column. I could send out the first filed I want to the first part of
the range, then have another query send out the last field to another
range but this seems like a waste to me and should be able to do in one
step. any help would be greatly appreciated . in case my explanation
is hard to follow, this is what i need

access query fields:

time, temp, depth, pressure

to goto a range in excel that has columns:

time, temp, gradient, gradient2, depth, pressure

obvoiusly i need the fields to go in the right columns, however the data
from access goes into the first 4 columns in the range


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