Sending debugging messages to a second document.



I am debugging a VBA subroutine that hangs under certain conditions. In
order to pinpoint the spot in the code where the hang occurs, I want to write
trace data to a second document, where they will not interfere with the text
and ActiveX controls being added to the target document. I know that this is
pretty elementary VBA, but I've never done it before and can't seem to make
it work.

Can someone show me or point me to an example of how this is done? Thanks
in advance for any help.

Jay Freedman

Barry said:
I am debugging a VBA subroutine that hangs under certain conditions.
In order to pinpoint the spot in the code where the hang occurs, I
want to write trace data to a second document, where they will not
interfere with the text and ActiveX controls being added to the
target document. I know that this is pretty elementary VBA, but I've
never done it before and can't seem to make it work.

Can someone show me or point me to an example of how this is done?
Thanks in advance for any help.

See this thread from yesterday:

Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the newsgroup so
all may benefit.



With some minor modification, your example code is working, up to a point.
Apparently the OS or Word or something is buffering the writes to the log
file. By the time the macro hangs, only a small portion of the trace
statements have been written out; the rest are lost when the hang occurrs.

Can you tell me how to force immediate writes to the log file, so that I
don't lose state of the macro at the time or the error?

Thank you for your help.



Not sure what you mean by macro hangs?(infinite loop?)

Here is another method to create log files by Peter Hewett.

Here is code amended to work on both MacWord and WinWord.
I used Application.PathSeparator and changed the Kill() function to
KillLog() to avoid an endless loop in the class.

Insert a new class and name it LogIt then paste this Class code into it.
Peter Hewett's amended code:

****** Start of LogIt Class code *******

Private mstrFile As String
Private mstrPath As String
Private mboolEnabled As Boolean
Private mboolTimeStamp As Boolean

Public Sub Output(ByVal strText As String)
Const cProcedureName As String = "Log::Output"

Dim hFile As Long

On Error GoTo OutputError

' Everything must be right for us to log the passed text
If CanOutput Then

' Prefix log text with timestamp
If TimeStamp Then strText = Now & vbTab & strText

' Open log file for append
hFile = FreeFile
Open mstrPath & mstrFile For Append Access Write As hFile

' Write the output and tidy up
Print #hFile, strText
Close hFile
End If

Exit Sub

mboolEnabled = False
Err.Raise Err.Number, cProcedureName, Err.Description
End Sub ' Output

Public Sub KillLog()
On Error GoTo HandleError

' Delete the current log file if it exists
If Len(Dir$(mstrPath & mstrFile)) > 0 Then
Kill mstrPath & mstrFile
End If

Exit Sub

mboolEnabled = False
Err.Raise vbObjectError + 8001, "Log::Kill", _
Resume ExitHere
End Sub ' Reset

Public Property Get Path() As String
Path = mstrPath
End Property
Public Property Let Path(ByVal strPath As String)
strPath = Trim$(strPath)
If Right$(strPath, 1) <> Application.PathSeparator _
Then strPath = strPath & Application.PathSeparator
mstrPath = Trim$(strPath)
End Property

Public Property Get File() As String
File = mstrFile
End Property
Public Property Let File(ByVal FileName As String)
mstrFile = FileName
End Property

Public Property Get Enabled() As Boolean
Enabled = mboolEnabled
End Property
Public Property Let Enabled(ByVal EnableLogFile As Boolean)
mboolEnabled = EnableLogFile
End Property

Public Property Get TimeStamp() As Boolean
TimeStamp = mboolTimeStamp
End Property
Public Property Let TimeStamp(ByVal TimeStampOutput As Boolean)
mboolTimeStamp = TimeStampOutput
End Property

Public Property Get CanOutput() As Boolean
CanOutput = LenB(Path) > 0 And LenB(File) > 0 And Enabled
End Property

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Me.Enabled = True
End Sub

****** End of LogIt Class code *******

Public Sub LogItTest()
Dim logFile As LogIt

' Create log file
Set logFile = New LogIt
logFile.Path = "Macintosh HD:Users:UserName:Desktop:"
logFile.File = "DEBUG LogItTest.txt"

' Use it....
'logFile.KillLog 'To in effect, clear log, if desired.
logFile.TimeStamp = True
logFile.Output "This is the first log entry"
logFile.TimeStamp = False
logFile.Output "This is the second log entry "
Set logFile = Nothing
End Sub

Multiple logfiles could be going at the same time to log only certain parts
of code. You just need to create multiple instances of each Logit class.

Windows users could also use environmental variables:
logFile.Path = Environ("HOMEDRIVE") & Environ("HOMEPATH") & "\My Documents\"

Jay Freedman

Instead of opening the log file at the beginning of the macro, writing a
bunch of lines, and closing the log file at the end of the macro, you'll
have to open/write/close for each log message. Normally this would be too
resource-intensive, but in this case it's necessary because VBA doesn't have
any sort of "flush buffer" method other than Close.

This will require using For Append in the Open statement instead of For
Output, to avoid clearing the file each time.

It would probably be best to write this as a subroutine that takes the log
message as a parameter (and possibly the filename of the log, if you want it
to be generally reusable).



Just in case we're all missing the obvious, why don't you use the VBE to
debug your code?

You can step through one line at a time and see what's happening. You can
set break points at a certain line to race up to a specific point in your
code then single-step the rest.


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