Sending Email from VBA



I am trying to use the method described in “How to send an email fro
Word using VBA” at:

but get an Outlook message saying that 'a program is trying to acces
email addresses stored in Outlook. Do you want to allow this access'
(That's not quite the full message).

Does anyone have any idea of what I may be doing wrong and how t
resolve it?

Eventually this will be used with GroupWise as well as Outlook.

Macro security is set at 'low' and 'trust all installed addins
templates' is checked.

Many thanks in advance.


PS If you are reading this & don't know the answer, please can you jus
send me a quick reply anyway. I am not sure whether my posts are bein
seen for some reason as I have a rather low success rate with gettin
answers. Thanks.



Hi Debbie,

You are not doing anything wrong, you just need
Redemption! No, I'm not trying to convert you - it's an
Outlook wrapper that gets around the security issue. The
programmer, Dmitry, is an incredibly nice guy. He will
answer any of your questions. I must have emailed him ten
times before I decided to purchase the product. There are
two versions - I purchased the non-limited license
version. I now have it loaded on all of my clients'
computers - it works incredibly well. Here is the website

In addition, it would be extremely helpful for you to
purchase Sue Mosher's book, Microsoft Outlook
Programming. She provides some good examples of code to
work with Redemption. Randy Byrne's book, Building
Applications with Microsoft Outlook, is also good.

Good luck!


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