Kenji wrote :
Can I send an email through VBA?
I do not want to send the entire workbook or worksheet.. I just want a few
text from the worksheet to be sent by email.
Yes, you can. But you'll have to use some Applescript inside. Here's a
couple of lines showing how to begin with.
Sub LetsMailIt()
TheAddress = Range("A1").Text
TheSubject = Range("A2").Text
TheContent = Range("A3").Text
TheString = "tell application ""Microsoft Entourage"" "
TheString = TheString & vbCr & "make new outgoing message with "
TheString = TheString & "properties {address:""" & TheAddress
TheString = TheString & """, subject:""" & TheSubject
TheString = TheString & """, content:""" & TheContent & """}"
TheString = TheString & vbCr & "move the result to out box folder"
TheString = TheString & vbCr & "end tell"
temp = MacScript(TheString)
End Sub
You'll find some more hints on J.E. McGimpsey's page: