Sending email


Elaine Francis

My message will sit in my Out Box and when I try to send it, the send/receive
progress box shows all tasks completed successfully, but the message never
leaves my Out Box and is never received by the recipient. I can receive
email just fine.

Brian Tillman [MVP - Outlook]

My message will sit in my Out Box and when I try to send it, the
progress box shows all tasks completed successfully, but the message never
leaves my Out Box and is never received by the recipient. I can receive
email just fine.

If you open the Outbox, does the mesage have a date and is its header
displayed in italics?

Elaine Francis

No the message does not have a date. Under the Sent column it states None.
The header is not displayed in italics.

Brian Tillman [MVP - Outlook]

No the message does not have a date. Under the Sent column it states None.
The header is not displayed in italics.

Then open it, select another folder, then click Send on the message again.

K. Orland

Open the email from the Outbox. Minimize it. Click on another folder in
Outlook. Maximize the email again and click Send. Then open the Outbox again
to see if it goes.

Elaine Francis

It still stays in my Out box.

K. Orland said:
Open the email from the Outbox. Minimize it. Click on another folder in
Outlook. Maximize the email again and click Send. Then open the Outbox again
to see if it goes.

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