Sending EMails from Entourage


Lynne G

I cannot send email messages out. I can receive. Nothing wrong with
my internet connection, as I am able to access the Net with no problem.
I am running MAC G5 - OS 10.3 (Panther).
Where are my email settings in Panther? I am unable to check them
since I upgraded from OS 10.2 to OS 10.3.
I went under Entourage Tools, Accounts and re-entered a new account
for myself. Still not working.
Can anyone help?
I have already contacted Apple who tell me they do not support
Can anyone help?

Adam Bailey

Lynne G said:
I cannot send email messages out. I can receive. Nothing wrong with
my internet connection, as I am able to access the Net with no problem.
I am running MAC G5 - OS 10.3 (Panther).

What happens when you try?
Where are my email settings in Panther? I am unable to check them
since I upgraded from OS 10.2 to OS 10.3.
I went under Entourage Tools, Accounts and re-entered a new account
for myself. Still not working.

Well, that's where they are. Have you verified your SMTP server
information with your ISP? Does your ISP require authentication?

Diane Ross

I cannot send email messages out. I can receive. Nothing wrong with
my internet connection, as I am able to access the Net with no problem.
I am running MAC G5 - OS 10.3 (Panther).
Where are my email settings in Panther? I am unable to check them
since I upgraded from OS 10.2 to OS 10.3.
I went under Entourage Tools, Accounts and re-entered a new account
for myself. Still not working.

If you can receive but not send then you have a bad SMTP configuration

If you can send but not receive you have a bad POP or IMAP configuration

You can try re-entering info.
You can delete account and create a new one.
Using copy/paste can result in an extra space being added. Type carefully.

Check for a bad message. Go to Options on that Account and select Allow
Online Access. You will see an icon at the bottom of your folders. Click on
this and find the offending message and delete. Be sure that you turn off
the "preview" pane when looking at your online message LIST. Sometimes
offending stuff will crash or stymie your system when trying to open the
offending message.

If you are unable to use Online Access, try accessing your mail account
through your ISP/organization¹s web based interface, or through a web-based
POP retrieval system like Mail2Web

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