Sending Emails With Attachments In Access



Hi i would like to take my database to the next level,

situation is that i have created a EMS which allows me to create
records of enquirys that come in, in addition to this i have created
two module's that attach,

Complete, Supplier and Sub-contractor address book, which is linked to
a sub-contract enquiry register.

at the moment, the register only documents what enquiry I've sent
enquirys out for each incoming enquiry to us,and who i sent out to and
what documentation i sent.

is their a way that access can actual send the emails to all the
receiptants i select, and send attachments i also select?



Rick Brandt

Hi i would like to take my database to the next level,

situation is that i have created a EMS which allows me to create
records of enquirys that come in, in addition to this i have created
two module's that attach,

Complete, Supplier and Sub-contractor address book, which is linked to
a sub-contract enquiry register.

at the moment, the register only documents what enquiry I've sent
enquirys out for each incoming enquiry to us,and who i sent out to and
what documentation i sent.

is their a way that access can actual send the emails to all the
receiptants i select, and send attachments i also select?

Not with the built in SendObject. You need to automate an external
messaging library. The most popular are Outlook, Redemption, or CDO (CDOSys
being the newest variant of that).


Sorry for the delay in getting back in touch, thanks for code Arvin, I
just need to figer out how to implement your code, unless their is a
sample database knocking around i could see how it works?

as it stands i have the text field "DrawingNo" and a field "Location"
which a browser button which allowed me to actual select the drawing
location which is what i could use to implentate the following code
".Attachments.Add "C:\Test.htm" from your link?

at moment when i create my enquiry i can select multiple attachment
names but it just creates a report of the drawings i am going to send,
which then i have to manual attach the report and drawings to an

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