Sending Files from OneNote To Word


Nathan B.

I'm a student who used OneNote to take notes in class. Whenever I try to
send my notes from OneNote to Word, it looks like Word attempted to turn all
my handwritten notes into text, none of the pictures line up, and it
basically looks like a mess. Is there an way to share my notes
electronically in another way to people who don't have OneNote?

Nathan B.

Thanks for the response. I have tried doing that before, and the HTML
format is exactly as it appears in OneNote, but it's extremely difficult to
send notes to our school accounts. I have tried to configure the settings
before, but that's a whole different monster.



Nathan and Ben
On a related subject, the send to mail button in my copy of Beta 2 will only
generate an email with the onenote page as an attached file - it will not
copy the selected items inot the body of the email. What am I doing wrong?


PS - sometimes it also does precisely nothing!

Grumpy said:
Nathan and Ben
On a related subject, the send to mail button in my copy of Beta 2 will only
generate an email with the onenote page as an attached file - it will not
copy the selected items inot the body of the email. What am I doing wrong?


I am a teacher who would like to post my notes for my students, but as
many of them don't have One Note, it would be nice to convert to Word
and post them. I can't keep the ink, and science notes with equations
and crazy symbols don't convert to text easily. Any suggestions?

Science Teacher, NJ


Similarly, I am a science teacher and I would like to post my One Note
notes for my students in Word, but it tries to convert my equations and
symbols which doesn't work very well. Any suggestions? Thanks!

Science Teacher, NJ

Nathan B.

I would also suggest posting them as HTML as Ben has suggested, but when I've
"published" them in HTML format, they appear to have been zoomed in to about
150 or so percent. It would be nice if you could rescale the zoom so it
wasn't so large--so that it looked exactly as you had written them. I once
saved/published a file in another format similar to HTML, only it was was
smaller and it looked just as I had written it. Also, those published files
are huge as far as downloading is concerned. If your kids don't have access
to high speed, they're in for the long haul. Maybe Ben will be able to
elucidate further.


Nathan B.

I'm not exactly sure. I think it has something to do with the fact that
Outlook and the school account (GA Tech) don't mix well. At their server
page they have instructions for setting up the account with the run of mail
systems, but Outlook is always a little tricky with them. You can follow the
instructions, but even they say it's more like passing chance that you'll get
it to work. I just wish OneNote would allow you to choose which mail system
you'd like to use, like Thunderbird or Hotmail or anything else besides


Nathan B.

Sorry--I don't have Beta 2. I only have the 2003 version that came with my
tablet pc. Maybe Ben knows.


Rainald Taesler

Nathan B. shared these words of wisdom:
... think it has something to do with the
fact that Outlook and the school account (GA Tech) don't mix
well. At their server page they have instructions for setting
up the account with the run of mail systems, but Outlook is
always a little tricky with them. You can follow the
instructions, but even they say it's more like passing chance
that you'll get it to work. I just wish OneNote would allow you
to choose which mail system you'd like to use, like Thunderbird
or Hotmail or anything else besides Outlook.

The latter is not a question of OneNote (at lest with 2007).
It's the defintion of the standard mail program on the computer in

ON mails fine if Outlook Express (existing on every XP machine) is set
as the deafult mail handler.


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