Sending large attachmentsVia email and the application sending it



When sending a larger file above 2MB the application sends it multi time
sometimes 36 or more to the rceiver.
How to I fix this to
1 send larger files
2 stop multi sending


What version of Microsoft Outlook are you using?

What type of e-mail account are you working with?

In regards to sending it multiple times, is it 36 times with the 2MB
attachment or is the file attachment getting split into smaller chunks that
just happens to come out to 36?

Brian Tillman [MVP-Outlook]

When sending a larger file above 2MB the application sends it multi time
sometimes 36 or more to the rceiver.
How to I fix this to
1 send larger files
2 stop multi sending

Outlook has no file sending limit. Your mail service provider may impose such
a limit. If your recipients are receiving multiple copies, the usual culprit
is having your antivirus program configured to scan mail. Uninstall your AV
program and reinstall it without the mail scanning feature. You don't need

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