Sending Mail from a desktop short cut


Steve W

Hi All,

I have a question, I have looked in here before posting, but couldn't find
an answer,

I have a couple of short cuts on my desktop for MS Outlook, they basically
are ordinary mail message windows, but with a couple of tiny pictures, one at
the top, and one at the bottom, I have some pre-filled in text in there, so I
use them as a general reply form.

but, if I double click on one of them, and then fill in the relevant
information, and the recipients email address, then click on "Send" it just
disappears, and I find it in my Out Box in Outlook, and it won't go till I
click on send and receive.

Outlook Express on the other hand will send it straight away from the
desktop, but Outlook requires me to actually have the main application open.

is there not a way that I can just click on "Send" from the desktop and it
will go straight away, without having to open up Outlook all the time to make
it go.

Thank you in advance, I really hope someone knows how to do this, it's
cracking me up.


Steve W

Oops, Wrong Forum, Sorry.

I will re-post in the actual Outlook forum,
Good Grief, what a plonker I am.

Tom Willett

Which plonker are you ;-)

1. colloq
Anything large, especially a smacking kiss.
2. slang
A stupid person; an idiot.
3. slang
The penis.

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