Sending mail from Outlook appears in a different email service


Phil Lawrence

This is a weird one...
I've recently changed to braodband and have started using
BTconnect as my POP3 email provider instread of
Freeserve. Now when I "test" my email account settings in
Outlook 2003 the result gets sent to my Freeserve account
and not to my BTconnect account. I used to use Freeserve
as my POP3 account in Outlook2003 but have deleted this
as an email account since switching to BTconnect.
Has anyone any idea of how to overcome this problem as
I'm not getting emails to my BTconnect account. Also, if
I send an email message to anyone the reply comes back to
my Freserve account. The reply to box in my account
seetings in Outlook2003 is empty by the way so I cannot
see why the replies whould go to Freeserve and not
Look forward to hearing from you with any
thoughts/answers on this. I've put my Freeserve account
up above 'cos I know I can get emails on this one...


Gordon Burgess-Parker

Phil said:
This is a weird one...
I've recently changed to braodband and have started using
BTconnect as my POP3 email provider instread of
Freeserve. Now when I "test" my email account settings in
Outlook 2003 the result gets sent to my Freeserve account
and not to my BTconnect account. I used to use Freeserve
as my POP3 account in Outlook2003 but have deleted this
as an email account since switching to BTconnect.
Has anyone any idea of how to overcome this problem as
I'm not getting emails to my BTconnect account. Also, if
I send an email message to anyone the reply comes back to
my Freserve account. The reply to box in my account
seetings in Outlook2003 is empty by the way so I cannot
see why the replies whould go to Freeserve and not
Look forward to hearing from you with any
thoughts/answers on this. I've put my Freeserve account
up above 'cos I know I can get emails on this one...


if you've deleted the Freeserve account form Outlook - how do you know you
are recieving emails on it?

Philip Lawrence

Hi there Gordon.

Thanks for the reply.

The reason I know is that when I access my Freeserve
email on the internet the email messages are shown there -
confuses the hell out of me as I've no idea how to stop
it. Sent a mail to amate of mine from the BTconnect
account and the reply came back to my Freeserve account!!
Need BTconnect emails to come back to BTconnect mailbox.

Thoughts and answers welcome.



Gordon Burgess-Parker

Philip said:
Hi there Gordon.

Thanks for the reply.

The reason I know is that when I access my Freeserve
email on the internet the email messages are shown there -
confuses the hell out of me as I've no idea how to stop
it. Sent a mail to amate of mine from the BTconnect
account and the reply came back to my Freeserve account!!
Need BTconnect emails to come back to BTconnect mailbox.

Thoughts and answers welcome.



Could you post your EXACT mail settings in Outlook? (excluding the password
of course and disguising any email addresses!)

Philip Lawrence

Of course...

Here goes.

User Information: Philip Lawrence
Email address: (e-mail address removed)

Server Information
Incoming mail server (POP3):
Outgoing mail server (SMTP):

Logon information
User name: xxxxxxx
Password: xxxx

More settings:
General - all that is in here is the name of the Mail
Account (i.e BT)

Outgoing Server
Nothing is ticked or highlighted in here

Using boradband so it ticked for the "connect using my
phone line"

Server port numbers
Incoming Server (POP3) = 110

Outgoing server (SMTP) - 25

Nothing else is ticked or highlighted on this cren.

Hope this helps and look forward to hearing from you soon.



Gordon Burgess-Parker

Philip said:
Of course...

Here goes.

User Information: Philip Lawrence
Email address: (e-mail address removed)

Server Information
Incoming mail server (POP3):
Outgoing mail server (SMTP):

Logon information
User name: xxxxxxx
Password: xxxx

More settings:
General - all that is in here is the name of the Mail
Account (i.e BT)

Outgoing Server
Nothing is ticked or highlighted in here

Using boradband so it ticked for the "connect using my
phone line"

Server port numbers
Incoming Server (POP3) = 110

Outgoing server (SMTP) - 25

Nothing else is ticked or highlighted on this cren.

Hope this helps and look forward to hearing from you soon.



Strange - nothing untoward there.

Would you like to send me an email? then perhaps I could look at the headers
to see if there is anything there as to why replies are going to freeserve.

Send it to gordonATgbpcomputingDOTcoDOTuk. (replace the obvious!)

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