I am in a development of an application for our client which creates a document, from that the values(XML Data) are to be posted to a server. This kind of activtity is tested with Infopath(Using script). It works fine. But our client is not interested in using Infopath or any other tool like that. They want to use MS-Word(As XML feature is suppored in 2003, it's word 2003)
As I was unable to add any script to commandbutton(Ordinary control which I pasted in a word document), I tried to achieve this activity using a macro. I used ActiveDocument.Saveas method to save XMLData alone. Data was stored in a file with "xml" extension. But whenthe document is sent as mail using ActiveDocument.SendReview method, only the current word document is sent. Also this mehtod didn't work in when I checked with earlier versions of outlook(2002). Is there anyway by which I can add an attachement and be able to sent.
Also is it possible to do the above mentioned activity, with out using any macro(that is by posting using the script and XMLDoc object).
I am in a development of an application for our client which creates a document, from that the values(XML Data) are to be posted to a server. This kind of activtity is tested with Infopath(Using script). It works fine. But our client is not interested in using Infopath or any other tool like that. They want to use MS-Word(As XML feature is suppored in 2003, it's word 2003)
As I was unable to add any script to commandbutton(Ordinary control which I pasted in a word document), I tried to achieve this activity using a macro. I used ActiveDocument.Saveas method to save XMLData alone. Data was stored in a file with "xml" extension. But whenthe document is sent as mail using ActiveDocument.SendReview method, only the current word document is sent. Also this mehtod didn't work in when I checked with earlier versions of outlook(2002). Is there anyway by which I can add an attachement and be able to sent.
Also is it possible to do the above mentioned activity, with out using any macro(that is by posting using the script and XMLDoc object).