Sending Messages ........HELP



i have no idea what is going on with my outlook. i have two accounts set up
in my outlook. i can not send any messages from outlook. it says that they
were sent on my "sent items" but nobody is recieving anything. i have tested
both of my accounts and no errors show up. i can send messages from my
address book in my "accessories" on my computer, and the message will go
through. i can send a message from a document in publisher.but not outlook. i
can reply, i can't forward ,reply or send new messages directly from outlook.
i am able to recieve all messages though.i have even tried a system restore.
that does not help. why can i send messages from any other program on my
computer but not outlook, and why does it go into my "sent items"and not my
outbox. How do i correct this problem??? Please anyone...... HELP


What have you set as the default email app, in Internet Options?
The Address book in Accesseries is a link to the Outlook Express address
book. Outlook a completely different application does not use the OE address
What version of OL are you using?

jbaslick said:
i have no idea what is going on with my outlook. i have two accounts set up
in my outlook. i can not send any messages from outlook. it says that they
were sent on my "sent items" but nobody is recieving anything. i have tested
both of my accounts and no errors show up. i can send messages from my
address book in my "accessories" on my computer, and the message will go
through. i can send a message from a document in publisher.but not outlook. i
can reply, i can't forward ,reply or send new messages directly from outlook.
i am able to recieve all messages though.i have even tried a system restore.
that does not help. why can i send messages from any other program on my
computer but not outlook, and why does it go into my "sent items"and not my
outbox. How do i correct this problem??? Please anyone......


I am using OL 2003. my internet options is set at Ms Outlook as the defalt
e-mail app. Can you please help me, i am using this program for buiss. and it
is really hindering my work. i need to get this problem fixed ASAP! Thank you
for your quick responce!


Using the Mail Applet in the control panel, you have tested the accounts?
Assuming they test ok, then within OL are there any err msgs when you send a
The msg is actually sent?
(You can send a msg to yourself)
If there are no err msgs and the msg is sent, using the correct email addy,
(ie its in your outbox) then if its not received the problem lies with the
NB If you use the Accessories address book to send a msg, it is sent by
Outlook Express, not Outlook.

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