Sending out Email confirmation automatically




When Visitors visit my website and fill out certain Forms, for example a
Contact Form, or Order Form, I would like to be able to automatically send
them an Email Confirmation of either their "order" or the fact that they
"filled out the form". I already have a "thankyou" page, but I would like
to be able to also send them an "email confirmation" Can you explain in
steps please how that is done. Thankyou. Su

Andrew Murray

This is not possible with the Frontpage form handler.

You'll need a script to send the email to you, and to show a confirmation
page and send a confirmation email to the customer.
Try - help for setting up these is more than likely
available from the author's site.

Choose a script that suits your server i.e Windows/Linux - - PHP, ASP, ASP.
Net, Cgi/Perl etc.

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