Sending outlook email from hotel



I use outlook for email. When i reply or send a message from a hotel room
they never reach their destanation and dont even bounse back to me. I use
road runner for my email. Is there some setting i need to change in outlook
for this to work when im out of my home network?

K. Orland

This is probably an authentication issue, have you set your outgoing mail to
submit your password to your smtp server in your account set up? Also, if
there's a non delivery message that you receive please include it in your


There is nothing selected on that tap. How should i set that up? and no there
is no non delivery notice i just know from known email tests. Thanks

K. Orland

In your account properties, in the SMTP account settings there should be an
area to set your password (the same as for your POP server). Also check the
port settings, the default port is usually 25 but many ISP's block or
restrict it. Check your ISP website for more specific instructions.

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