Sending Report In Mail



I have a database that generates reports to amemebers of a
club. There are 90+ members and each gets a report. I
have an automated system that generates the messgae but I
get bogged down answering the security question 90 times.
I seem to remeber someone having a DLL for trusted
applications that eliminates the security questioning
(replacing the CDO dll). Can anyone tell me where to look
for that? Thanks


From a previous post
The security dialogs that pop up when an application tries
to access certain Outlook properties and methods are
designed to inhibit the spread of viruses via Outlook;
If you are a standalone user, Outlook provides no way to
suppress this behavior. However, you can use a free tool
called Express ClickYes:


to click the security dialog buttons automatically. Beware
that this means if a virus tries to send mail using Outlook
or gain access to your address book, it will succeed.



Thanksa for the reply. These virii are very dangerous and
need to be guarded against, but they can't infect an
application that I wrote (how would the virus writer know
my API calls?)

I found what I was looking for: Redemption CDO package
that provides and object model that allows standalone
programmers like me to produce a MAPI interface that
avoids the security apparatus.

Because of the complexity of the model and its
instantiation, it is (dare I say it?) impossible to be
infected from a target-of-opportunity virus.

Thanks again - (See


I think you are referring to Outlook Redemption. It
allows sending items or displaying items before sending.
Google search for Outlook Redemption, free last time I
used it.

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