Is it possible to Call a function with an argument, Open a form using this
argument and return the value from an options list while closing that form,
then return to the original form.
Private Sub Test()
ReturnValue = fResponse(Part Number) 'Wait for ReturnValue'
End Sub
Function fResponse(PartNumber as String)as string
Open form 'Response' with partnumber in a label
Wait for an option to be selected
An option is selected
The form is closed
A string is returned as ReturnValue
End Function
argument and return the value from an options list while closing that form,
then return to the original form.
Private Sub Test()
ReturnValue = fResponse(Part Number) 'Wait for ReturnValue'
End Sub
Function fResponse(PartNumber as String)as string
Open form 'Response' with partnumber in a label
Wait for an option to be selected
An option is selected
The form is closed
A string is returned as ReturnValue
End Function