Sending SMS from BCM Contacts


Bob Day

Using Office 07 with outlook BCM on XP with IPhone 3G - all latest updates.

Does anyone know of a good way to sent SMS messages from outlook BCM
Contacts? I have tried two ways, both have problems.

I am using SMSOfficer, but that requires me to pay twice...I have to pay
SMSOfficer per text message, when I am already paying for unlimited text
messaging on my IPhone. Plus it does not show my correct cell number on the
recipeints phone (it is a number like 89-0)

I tried to install the Office Plug in mosa_usEN.exe at the URL below, but I
could never get it to work.

I think the ideal situation is something like mosa_usEN.exe, where you have
to have your IPhone docked to the computer by USB so the message is actually
sent over your phone without additional charges from anyone but your carrier.

Any ideas?


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