Hi M.L.Srinivas,
How can i create field in ms-word (what we create by
pressing ctrl+f9, to display tips/comments on pressing
alt+9 ) from vb.
I've been following this, and trying to understand exactly
what you mean...
Are you saying that you're wanting to pass data from your
application interface into Word and store it where the user
can look at it? And you're wanting to use Word FIELD CODES
for this? (That's what the keyboard shortcuts you mention
deal with, by installation default, anyway.)
Word field codes aren't really meant to be used for this
purpose, but there are a couple that would allow it, such
as the SET field, or perhaps a PRIVATE field. The basic
syntax for creating a field code in a document would be
along the lines of:
ActiveDocument.Fields.Add _
.Text:= "ABookmarkName" & " All the text you want
to display"
As Steve has indicated, the more appropriate thing to do
would be to use Word's COMMENT feature. OTOH, with the
tendency for newer Word versions to open documents with
comments and other "reviewing" things displayed by default,
I'm not sure that's what you would want.
Another thing that people have used quite a bit for this is
text formatted as "hidden".
Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update
Sep 30 2003)
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