Sendkeys/general automation question


Mark Stephens

Hi guys,

I am trying to fully automate a task from excel and am experimenting with

Problem is when I open another application, excel loses focus (think that's
correct) with the result that the sendkeys command doesn't get processed.

Here's the code:

Application.ActivePrinter = "PaperMaster Converter on Ne02:"
ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.PrintOut Copies:=1, ActivePrinter:= "PaperMaster
Converter on Ne02:", Collate:=True

SendKeys ("{ENTER}")

Basically I am trying to achieve a broader automation than just excel (or
microsoft product even), so does anyone know how I can go about it. Is there
a kind of 'global' macro that will just record the keys a user presses
regardless of application?

ANy help much appreciated, kind regards, Mark

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