sendobject TO email address doesn't display...



We just converted an Access 2000 db to Access 2003. We have a sendobject
macro which has email addresses hard-coded in the TO field in standard format:

To: (e-mail address removed)

Since we converted, Sam still gets the email but the email message in the
user's sent mail folder displays a blank TO field. Nothing there at all.

I've found two things fix this -

1) adding an internal person's email address on the macro's same TO line
2) placing the recipient's email address in the sender's Contacts and using
the recipient's name instead of their email address in the macro's TO field.

Neither of these are desirable, the first because the sender will receive it
twice, the second because every user will have to put all the recipients in
their Contact folders. And, often Outlook interprets similar names
incorrectly and sends to the wrong person (internals get priority).

Other suggestions???



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