Crazy AL
I have partially succeeded in setting up the SENDOBJECT macro cmd to work,
however there are some small bugs or roadblocks I am reaching.
1st of all, if I click new in Outlook, I always get my email template to
popup in HTML mode, which is normal. If I create an email through the
SENDOBJECT it creates the email in text mode. Why is that? Is there an
option in Access to control that? The problem with this is that I am trying
to use a template in the TEMPLATE FILE entry of SENDOBJECT and it specifies
that this ONLY works with an HTML template. This is OBVIOUSLY a conflict of
interests caused by ACCESS itself, or so I am under the impression,
hehehehe... but I digress.
The point is, the email contains my attachment but the message portion of
the email ALWAYS appears BLANK! I say again, IT IS BLANK.
What up wit dat?
How do I fix it?
Craz AL
I have partially succeeded in setting up the SENDOBJECT macro cmd to work,
however there are some small bugs or roadblocks I am reaching.
1st of all, if I click new in Outlook, I always get my email template to
popup in HTML mode, which is normal. If I create an email through the
SENDOBJECT it creates the email in text mode. Why is that? Is there an
option in Access to control that? The problem with this is that I am trying
to use a template in the TEMPLATE FILE entry of SENDOBJECT and it specifies
that this ONLY works with an HTML template. This is OBVIOUSLY a conflict of
interests caused by ACCESS itself, or so I am under the impression,
hehehehe... but I digress.
The point is, the email contains my attachment but the message portion of
the email ALWAYS appears BLANK! I say again, IT IS BLANK.
What up wit dat?
How do I fix it?
Craz AL