Sendto logon failed message



I use XP SP3 and Office 2003 with Office 2007 compatibility pack installed.

Two days ago, everything worked fine. I could use all of my Office Send
To email commands,
and also do the same from Windows Explorer. Then several updates were
installed, include a 2007 compatibility pack update
which is uninstallable, and IE8. I also installed Visual Web Develeoper
Express 8, which received some updates after installation.
Now when I try to 'Send To' from any of the above-mentioned locations, I
get various forms of this error from Word:

Logon Failed. You must log on to Microsoft Exchange to access your
address book. Error code: "unspecified error".

My default email program continues to be Mozilla Thunderbird. I do not
use Outlook whatsoever, nor do I want to.

I have uninstalled IE8, and removed all other updates that occurred on
6/24/09 which were removable, but I can't get back my Send To.
There is a Hotfix for XP that was also installed (KB961118), but the
description seemed unrelated to this problem so I left it alone.
I have checked the registry and all Windows Messaging keys are correct.

Please help! I cannot find this problem addressed anywhere on the web.

Thank you,


Hi Kat

Try this: I got frustrated as the socalled fixes MS had required me t
have more knowledge that I have..

To get the "send to" or mail attachment (under "file" ) to work agai
was simple (although the few instructions I could fine on the MS hel
site were not - and Mozilla and the rest asssumed the reader kne
somthing already - so not a lot of help to those of us who neeeded i

Just go to Start ... left click (in classic) ... then to Set Progra
Access and defaults ... custom (expand) then choose a default emai
program. Simply change it to whatever you want - I was usin
Thunderbird so I changed it to outlook and then tried it from a Wor
document . It worked - then I went back (as above) and changed it bac
to Tbird and all is well..... just got lucky..
Hope it helps

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